Monday, May 12, 2008


Neon Culture, as this semester's project, has come to an end. The following are features I was able to include:

  • 3D Graphics:
    • Cells as cubes with colored wireframe for team identification
    • Borders Identified clearly
    • Background "Prominence Maps" to show colors on a local scale
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Moves always in at least the general direction of a reasonable target
    • Becomes more aggressive when it has an advantage
    • Has a toggle feature for switching between AI personalities
  • XBox 360
    • Paint application runs superbly and is easy to use
    • Paints one cell at a time or fills areas
Also, here are some errors that I was never able to correct:

  • 3D Graphics
    • Cells cluster on top of each other, making it hard to identify how many there actually are on the screen at one time
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • With the exception of completely red images, cultures usually eventually reach an equilibrium and pace back and forth inconclusively
  • XBox 360
    • There is a bug where sometimes the "Back" button will cause the game to ask for another image randomly
    • Sometimes the border cells are a bit past the edges of the screen
Also, here are some options for further expansion that I was unable to make work:

  • 3D Graphics
    • Model meshes for cells that actually look like bacteria
    • Circular, petri dish environment and entrancing, neon background
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Give players some competitive control over individual team's behaviors
    • Have a tie-breaking element to fix pacing stalemates
  • XBox 360
    • Allow for saving of images/games
    • Implement an internet component
Overall, however, I am exceedingly pleased with how the project has come together. Despite these flaws and questions for expansion, each element is both functional and appealing, leaving me with a contented feeling on each. I feel that Neon Culture is complete.

Thank you for reading through my blog. I hope at least some part of my experience has been valuable to you. For further information, see below, but otherwise, this is Tyler Silber saying thank you and goodbye!

Final project:

(If you have anything else you want to know, leave your contact info in a comment here and I will hopefully check in and see it and be very happy to communicate)